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  • Writer's pictureZander Ernst

Allesbeste Blog: another #JoinTheAvolution moment lets talk avocado.

Updated: May 19

Welcome to the Allesbeste blog - (cyber)space dedicated to sharing more avocado production information and a little more Allesbeste.

This blog has been a few months in the making. Endless coffees, late nights. Lost notes - found again. Bright ideas...worth nothing. What would be the equivalent of writer's block for an avo farmer? Avo block? Well no that's different... So many photos, screenshots. Ready to write, procrastinate a bit more. Well, here we are. Can't really say sorry for the wait - let's face it you weren't waiting. You weren't asking for this. Yet here you are. Well, it seems our crazy brainwave to share our inner thoughts bore some fruit.

Above: the lesser spotted Japanese mud-crested grazer crawling into the African sunset. Tzaneen, Limpopo

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By now you are asking the exact same question my wife would be asking, why does an avocado farm need a blog...? The truth is we don't. But we really have a passion for sharing our avocado experiences. The lovely thing about farming is it is not an exact science. None of us have all the answers. However as Allesbeste is one of very few avocado farming companies with decades of experience with this lovely pear-shaped (uhg!! Please stop calling it an avocado pear) fruit, having years and hectares worth of experimental plantings failed methods and massive successes, one of few with generations of experience in breeding, propagating, cultivating and selling this sophisticated "niche commodity", we dare to go where no-one goes and share our experiences.

What some call intellectual property, we view as an investment in you: our client, customer, and peer.

Over the next few..., oh wait! Cyber is permanent! Ok well we'll dare leave some permanent notes on the following topics and possibly more in the future:

Trends: What's happening in the new avocado world

New cultivars and rootstocks, tissue culture and other new developments form water usage frights, to our green gold status, What is our take on it? If we have an opinion we'll have the guts to share it, with a bit of luck we'll have a personal experience of it.

Market reporting and analysis

Obviously due to global politics, Guptas, American pork or chicken (white meat is still regarded as vegetables right? And all the same?) we only have limited access to markets from South Africa. However as our market access expands to Japan, China and India - Allesbeste marketing is constantly expanding its horizons. With our marketing office, Avor in Holland we are increasing our market insights and ability to proactively gather information on the European market and our global competitive position.

Production reports

Everyone loves a benchmark! We'll share some of our reports from our Business Intelligence platform. Those who know us know very well we love data - whether it's from your old diary, grandpa's Rembrandt Van Rijn's cigarettes or a larney spreadsheet or ERP - we love dissecting information.

"om te meet is om te weet" is klom twak - jyt BI nodig.

(sorry some things are just beter in afrikaans - being South African, well pay our heritage some tribute as well)

Production tips & tricks

When we learn, we'll share. Although we can get very technical, we prefer to keep things simple and practical. We do loads of research and even just adjustments to our practices often through simple observation - all with one prerequisite; it needs to be practical. Wo don't like research that ends with "oh thats nice but what now..."

Genetics, breeding and evaluations of new generation cultivars and rootstocks.

Currently at Allesbeste we are still running an active breeding and selection program to develop new cultivars and rootstocks for future generations. During 2022 we planted our second generation cultivar breeding block and we are actively evaluating 43 local and international rootstocks on Allesbeste. Currently we have 5 in-house developed varieties being evaluated in semi-commercial and commercial plantings of up to 5ha.

Frequently asked questions - not so often answered.

Probably mostly through our Nursery, we have so many FAQ's reaching us. From planting densities, cultivar and rootstock combinations, climatic conditions for avocados, water usage, marketing and logistics decisions and so many more.

If you've reached this...

I'm really chuffed then obviously you might find our blog interesting and should probably subscribe.

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Visit the about us page and fill out the contact form.

We really look forward to getting to know you. Hope you enjoy our contributions to the wonderful word of avocado.

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